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SHERAeasy_base Cracked By TheRipper
نسخه کرک شده ای ما فول کرک شده و تمام قسمت های برنامه بازشده و برنامه هیچ محدودیتی نداره
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Telegram Id: TheRipperX
TelegramChannel: @iranam_ir
خرید نسخه کرک شده
Individual impression trays play a crucial role in generating a precise and reliable working basis with the impression. For optimal results, Rohnke Dental offers SHERAeasy-base trays from the 3D printer.
Advantage for the practice
The exit options for excess material are optimally tailored to your impression material.
An additional flanging of the edge optimizes the compression pressure and helps to distribute the material evenly.
Occlusal stops ensure constant material thicknesses and prevent contact between the occlusal surface and the impression tray.
With these printed trays, up to 40% of impression material can be saved.
The risk of having to repeat faulty impressions is reduced.
SHERAeasy-base trays can be fitted with a facebow handle.