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Pi.Cas.So V:3.58 Cracked (کرک شده)

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Pi.Cas.So V:3.58 Cracked By TheRipper

نرم افزار تخصصی Pi.Cas.So نسخه فول کرک شده

نسخه کرک شده ای ما فول کرک شده و تمام قسمت های برنامه بازشده و برنامه هیچ محدودیتی نداره

در پاینن نیز میتوانید عکس های از محیط برنامه مشاهده کنید

جهت خرید و مشاوره میتوانید در تلگرام با این ایدی در تماس باشید

Telegeram Id: TheRipperX

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Pictures Casting Software is a design application in a CAD environment, though as an integral solution for technical orthopaedics. Its development and creation are based on achieving within a friendly environment, a software capable of being a complete tool, accurate but at the same time easy to use.

Complete, because it allows the design of templates, corsets, orthoses, AK and BK prostheses, as well as seats and cosmetics

Accurate, because it guarantees exact measurements and CAM reproduction faithful to the forms and volumes produced in CAD

Easy to use, because you do not need any computer knowledge, other than a normal and contemporary user

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