به نام خدا
Spectromatch Pro software Cracked By TheRipper
نرم افزار تخصصی Spectromatch Proنسخه فول کرک شده
نسخه کرک شده ای ما فول کرک شده و تمام قسمت های برنامه بازشده و برنامه هیچ محدودیتی نداره
در پاینن نیز میتوانید عکس های از محیط برنامه مشاهده کنید
جهت خرید و مشاوره میتوانید در تلگرام با این ایدی در تماس باشید
Telegeram Id: TheRipperX
Telegeram Channel: https://t.me/iranam_ir
All patient information is stored locally in an encrypted database that can be configured to allow shared access from multiple PC’s across your network.
All patient data is stored in an encrypted SQL database and can be backed up and saved securely for peace of mind
All functionality is centred on a patient folder template. All patient information, measurements, recipes and images are stored together in a single folder
Digital images can be stored in the patient folder. The images can be rotated, flipped and annotated with job specific information
Recipes can be tailored to specific parameters including translucency, flocking type and level. This allows users to generate bespoke recipes that match not just in colour but appearance as well